I Jack Russell in Italia
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Hello from England

Ale & Spike
21 partecipanti

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Hello from England Empty Hello from England

Messaggio Da Angela Gio Lug 02, 2009 11:28 am

Sorry but i don't speak Italian, but with the help of google i've been reading your wonderful forum today and found some very interesting discussions.
It was good to be able to read up on how you register the breed in Italy, we had a similar thing going in Ireland but the registers closed for the JRT there in 2006.

I live in England and all our dogs are 100% english bred, no australian, irish or anything else!LOL They are however registered in Ireland as the English KC does not yet register the JRT seperately from the PRT, so i took the plunge and made the long haul trips to Ireland to have our adults assessed and registered as JR1 on the Interim register, a bit like your RSR registry ( i think lol! ) we now have quite a few fully registered 4th and 5 th generation registered dogs who we compete with.

Glad i found your site, although i may not partake much in your disussions as i don't speak your language it will be interesting to keep up to date on whats happening elsewhere.

Best wishes

Numero di messaggi : 3
Località : England, UK
Data d'iscrizione : 02.07.09


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da LadyDarkness Gio Lug 02, 2009 11:31 am

You are welcome!!!


ragazzi sono una cippa in inglese (Sorry but I can't speak english very well!) Very Happy

Numero di messaggi : 10091
Età : 41
Località : Roma/Bari
Data d'iscrizione : 18.04.08

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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Pedro Gio Lug 02, 2009 11:49 am


Photo photo photo... cuz

Numero di messaggi : 869
Età : 39
Località : Reggio Calabria
Data d'iscrizione : 24.03.08

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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Veronica Gio Lug 02, 2009 11:53 am

(Siamo in due Diana Sad con l'inglese sto messa male)

Good morning and Welcome!!!
I don't speak english well, but I'm very happy to know that our forum is read in England too!! Have you some images of your Russell? We are very curious..Very Happy We often speak about the differences between english JRT and australian, in Italy there is so much confusion with this two types of terriers.. and the same thing is for the differences between Jack and Parson..!

Numero di messaggi : 6896
Età : 37
Località : Stabio (CH)
Data d'iscrizione : 17.03.08


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da whisky Gio Lug 02, 2009 12:07 pm



Numero di messaggi : 364
Età : 113
Località :
Data d'iscrizione : 09.06.09

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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Kiara Gio Lug 02, 2009 12:09 pm

Welcome! Nice to meet you!

Numero di messaggi : 12662
Età : 47
Località : Torino
Data d'iscrizione : 25.03.08


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da bull_Boss Gio Lug 02, 2009 12:23 pm

benvenuta! anzi welcome! Very Happy

Numero di messaggi : 1478
Età : 45
Località : Salvaterra (RE)
Data d'iscrizione : 06.05.09

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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Andrea Gio Lug 02, 2009 12:26 pm

great! we have also an english member now! welcome and post some photos of your jacks. bye!

Numero di messaggi : 19640
Età : 37
Località : Milano
Data d'iscrizione : 15.12.08

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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da daysleeper Gio Lug 02, 2009 12:28 pm

Welcome Angela welcome ,
i hope to see many photos of your furry balls^_^(i call my dog "boiled potato"....).


Numero di messaggi : 759
Età : 47
Località : gioia del colle
Data d'iscrizione : 21.08.08


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da tinpa Gio Lug 02, 2009 12:32 pm

Welcome! Nice to meet you!

(I do not say wath is this bat i copyng to other post! My english is very very biutifull!)

Numero di messaggi : 6468
Età : 61
Località : Alessandria
Data d'iscrizione : 17.01.09

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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Laura Gio Lug 02, 2009 12:41 pm

welcome and...photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Numero di messaggi : 463
Età : 42
Località : Palermo
Data d'iscrizione : 20.01.09

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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Siria Gio Lug 02, 2009 1:11 pm

Welcome Angela ! How many dogs have you ? Please photos!
Then yours breed's register is closed from 2006, but have you only parson russell terrier devised in two groups (-30,+30centimeters)or is there (in enghland) the register of jrt also ?
Excuse me for my enghlish ,bye!

Numero di messaggi : 6756
Località : provincia di Rovigo
Data d'iscrizione : 02.09.08


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Ospite Gio Lug 02, 2009 1:58 pm

Andrea ha scritto:great! we have also an english member now! welcome and post some photos of your jacks. bye!

come Andrea Ciao Basketball


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Ale & Spike Gio Lug 02, 2009 3:14 pm

U are welcome m8, ive see ure Jacks here : http://www.cumbreckjackrussells.com/CumbreckJackRussellTerriers.html and looks like very nice. Wink

Ale & Spike
Ale & Spike

Numero di messaggi : 815
Età : 46
Località : Pegli
Data d'iscrizione : 23.05.09


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Veronica Gio Lug 02, 2009 3:28 pm

Grande Ale! Io mica c'ero arrivata.. cmq é un allevamento enorme!! Quando ho visto quante femmine hanno ho pensato "ma no,..vivranno chiuse nei box.." invece guardate qui, c'é da morire sono troppo forti hanno una reggia a disposizione:


I see your internet site, I see how much JRT do you have and I thought "Oh no, probably they will live into some box (big cages)" then I see your gallery "A day in our lives" and it's great!! they live with you in your home and in your garden.. They have so an happy expression, I love it!

Numero di messaggi : 6896
Età : 37
Località : Stabio (CH)
Data d'iscrizione : 17.03.08


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Andrea Gio Lug 02, 2009 3:31 pm

amazing! ciao!

Numero di messaggi : 19640
Età : 37
Località : Milano
Data d'iscrizione : 15.12.08

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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Erika Gio Lug 02, 2009 4:47 pm

WOW!!!!!! welcome

Numero di messaggi : 12958
Età : 44
Località : Arezzo
Data d'iscrizione : 30.04.08

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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Donata&Lea Gio Lug 02, 2009 4:50 pm

You are welcome

Numero di messaggi : 4704
Età : 54
Località : Milano
Data d'iscrizione : 17.03.08

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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Billy Gio Lug 02, 2009 5:19 pm

Very Happy You are welcome!!! confetti

Numero di messaggi : 113
Età : 37
Località : Fino Mornasco (CO)
Data d'iscrizione : 09.03.09


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Nino Gio Lug 02, 2009 7:57 pm

U r welcome matey!
I'm happy to have u between us i think that u have a long experience about it.
This is not the first time that I've seen your website, but the first time i've read your dog's stories i've seen something that not convinces to me.. so u live in the lake district, i know that in this area the right dogs are lakelands and black fells, some old bedlington, because are all rock piles and long legs are necessary to climb in the leaks of the stones, to jump from one to other etc... so my question is how do u work your short legged JR?

Numero di messaggi : 1872
Età : 48
Località : Piana
Data d'iscrizione : 22.06.08


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Andrea Gio Lug 02, 2009 8:31 pm

with stilts! cheers! Very Happy

Numero di messaggi : 19640
Età : 37
Località : Milano
Data d'iscrizione : 15.12.08

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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da vapro Ven Lug 03, 2009 8:03 am


I see the site, and.. omg!! There are a clone of my Nargo!!

my Nargo is this one
Hello from England Nargohd.th


ma fare una sezione in inglese? così magari lei sparge la voce e si amplia il tutto? Very Happy
mamma mia quanti cani... ^^

Numero di messaggi : 1754
Età : 45
Località : Monte Porzio Catone
Data d'iscrizione : 27.06.09


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Veronica Ven Lug 03, 2009 8:09 am

vapro ha scritto:ma fare una sezione in inglese? così magari lei sparge la voce e si amplia il tutto? Very Happy
mamma mia quanti cani... ^^

L'idea é molto esaltante ma é troppo azzardato aprirla così e aspettarsi un successo sicuro.. non so.. non vorrei aprirla per lasciarla vuota in attesa di un miracolo! Però se qualcuno di voi conosce qualche esperto che parla solo inglese (che sia privato, allevatore o appassionato) che potrebbe dare un contributo e aprire discussioni interessanti, ma soprattutto parteciparvi, sarò più che felice di aprire una sezione dove si parla inglese.. una sezione "international".. lalala

Numero di messaggi : 6896
Età : 37
Località : Stabio (CH)
Data d'iscrizione : 17.03.08


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da vapro Ven Lug 03, 2009 8:37 am

beh su un forum di moto dove stavo la sezione c'era anche se nn molto popolosa. certo se ha un costo aprirla allora hai ragione, ma se non lo ha... si tenta! ovviamente ci vuole tempo per riempirla!

magari si manda un MP (o PM in inglese Very Happy ) ad angela per sapere se è interessata! ahha

Numero di messaggi : 1754
Età : 45
Località : Monte Porzio Catone
Data d'iscrizione : 27.06.09


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

Messaggio Da Angela Ven Lug 03, 2009 1:07 pm

Hi and thank you all for the very warm welcome! I am gald you found my site Very Happy

In answer to Nino, i actually have fell terriers as well, i co-own 10 with a gentleman who is keeping the old lines together (ours are Buck/Breay/Brightmore bloodlines) and i have 2 that live at home with me, they are a wonderful and very old native breed, but you have to understand we have different strains of fell terrier here some are very long legged and some are actually shorter, i have a 9"/23cm female and a full brother to her who is 14"/35cm! the smaller female can actually get to places her brother cannot, having shorter legs is not a problem as long as the dog is built correctly, that means does not have crooked legs and large chest.

Our smaller Jack Russells are very athletic, they can jump 4-5ft off the ground from a stand still so they have no problems navigating rock borrans and scree, what is most important to a working terrier in this area where i live is the chest size, it must be narrow, our Jack Russells are mostly bayers so they do not need excessive head size either as they are not supposed to attack their quarry only bark and drive it from its earth, that is if the quarry is fox Very Happy if it is rabbit, mink or rat then of course they must kill it quickly and efficiently Wink

Our fell terriers are used to dispatch quarry below ground, they have a different head shape to most Jack Russells and have a far stronger bite pressure, they work silently and are never yappy. Fell Terriers are a wonderful breed, very sane and actually very much like working as a pack, they get along well with other dogs or at least the ones i have do as we do not have bull terrier in our line of fell terrier which is not always the case in other lines.

Primarily we keep and breed Jack Russells for working, prior to registering with the Irish KC we registered the dogs with JRTCGB, we left JRTCGB as we got a little disillusioned with their aims, hardly anyone in that club works their dogs for real, most are unregistered parson types with a mix of white lakeland in them, what they are promoting is not what the original terriers were, if you look back at Eddie Chapmans and Ted Adsetts dogs of the 1980's they are very different to what JRTCGB is promoting today. scratch

I adore Jack Russells, they are super little dogs, we do have a good few but we only keep ones who get along as it is so much easier to keep them as a pack if they are social Very Happy I enjoy every aspect of the breed.

We went to Sweden to the world show in 2008 and to the breeder conference, i was quite surprised just how big and coarse the Australian dogs are, they resemble more a working lucas terrier than they do Jack Russells but i guess everyone breeds what they prefer to look at, and Australia set a type in their country which is now really a very different type to what they originally imported from the UK, some people like the type and some don't, what i advise is just to go with what you like as a personal preference, the world would be very boring if we all liked and agreed on everything. lol!

Whatever works for them i guess but at this moment in time i won't be introducing those lines to our stud because i don't see they have anything to offer me other than maybe lots of show champions on a pedigree, my main purpose is not just to have show dogs who can hunt rosettes but equally be a good hunting dog in the field and superb family companion that is healthy.
The health of the breed is worrying at this time too, we have eye tested since 1990 which is a very long time and so far have not had cataracts, PLL or PRA and i'd like to try and keep it that way, so yes i am cautious of introducing dogs from australia with such strong inbred pedigrees from a small gene pool when those dogs of the past had not been health tested.

Nino ha scritto:U r welcome matey!
I'm happy to have u between us i think that u have a long experience about it.
This is not the first time that I've seen your website, but the first time i've read your dog's stories i've seen something that not convinces to me.. so u live in the lake district, i know that in this area the right dogs are lakelands and black fells, some old bedlington, because are all rock piles and long legs are necessary to climb in the leaks of the stones, to jump from one to other etc... so my question is how do u work your short legged JR?

Numero di messaggi : 3
Località : England, UK
Data d'iscrizione : 02.07.09


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Hello from England Empty Re: Hello from England

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